April 7, 2011

updated bug availability list 4-7-11

wild caught rose hair tarantulas-nice $8ea chilean flame tarantulas-super bright pink $15ea concepcion tarantulas-similar to rose hair but get more red and DOG tame $20ea chile tiger spider-awesome jet black & gold-true spider only grows to 3" neat $30ea goliath bird eaters-from 3-10" $75ea large chaco golden knee tarantulas $40ea! super tame great pets adult pink toe tarantulas-very nice range of sizes $10ea gravid female emperor scorpions $15ea baby chaco giant golden knee tarantulas-get big and super tame-great pets $5ea awesome antilles pink toes-versicolors 1-1 1/2" $30ea salmon pink bird eaters 1"+ $10ea Brazilian giant B&W tarantulas cb babies 1"+ beautiful and handlable $35 sub adult female Indian Ornamental spiders 5"+ $75ea baby rose hair tarantulas 1/4-1/2" $3each eating great orange starburst baboon spiders $15ea wild caught sub adults cb USA 1"+ Indian Ornamental tarantulas $25ea cb USA 1"+ Mysore Ornamentals $20ea orange starburst baboon spiders 1" $8ea venezuelan sun tigers 2"+ $25ea emperor scorpions $5ea