as of right now 3-11-12 this is the most accurate and current pricing and info on what I have available. It makes all prior info obsolete and irrelevant. Thanks. E
2011 and 2012 Males
mojave spider pastel 300 grams $2000
orange ghost het caramel 125+grams $500ea
spinners over 125 grams $400ea
2011 and 2012 Females
killer bee 550 grams $1500
super pastel black pastel pinstripe 300 grams $4000
super pastel black pastel spider 250 grams $4000
orange ghost het caramel 125 grams $900
pastel champagne het hypo over 250 grams $2400
het genetic stripes 350-400 grams $200ea
caramel 66% pos het hypo $900
lemon blast hatchling about 80 grams eats great $400
super deal! 4.4 66% possible double het for caramel and hypo, only $300 for a pair or take all 4 pairs for only $1000!
proven breeder male super pastel yellow belly $1500
500 gram pastel butter male has sperm plugs gorgeous $700